1). I just finished reading (a quick read that took me a month to finally finish because of lack of time) Woodrow Kroll's How to Find God in the Bible. It was really interesting to me to see again all the proofs that the bible is a real, historical document of evidence as well as a the God-breathed word on how we should live. I appreciate it more knowing how long it has been around, how many manuscripts of the book we have to this day, and how much history is really involved with it.
2). God is SO big. Did you know that I get to wake up every morning and talk to the Creator of the earth? I get to know personally the same God that spoke to Moses through a burning bush, the God that flooded the earth, and put breath into man. God has been the same today, yesterday and 3000 years ago. I know this seems like a revelation I should have had a long time ago, and I always knew these things, but I guess I didn't really 'get' it. I stand in awe, more than ever, at His absolute majesty. It makes me fall down on my knees and compels me to obedience.
3). I was talking to a friend a few days ago on the phone and he said he was talking to someone that wanted to start a church plant in Rome. Knowing I was in Florence, he asked his friend how many Christians lived there. His answer was 6. Obviously, this might be an exaggeration, but I don't think it is a very big one. Life, my friends, is a mission field. I kept trying to figure out why God sent me here- there has to be a reason, right? To grow musically, to learn the language, yes, but what else? Then I woke up and thought about the 6 Christians living here and how much of a responsibility they have to show Christ to others and to spread the Word in such a God-less city. Well, I am here. That makes 7. And then it was settled in my mind. I am here to tell these people about Jesus. My apartment is a mission field, my school is a mission field, the train is a mission field. I must be bold. I must step out of the comfort zone of myself and tell people why I am so happy all the time. Pray for me... it is not easy.
Well, I could go on because God is good in showing me many things, but this post is getting a little ridiculously long.
I also wanted to give a little CONGRATULATIONS to my best friend. Emily Ann Taylor and I have been friends now for 15 years and I am honored to announce her engagement to Ryan Swearingen, a kind, wonderful man of God. I also have the immense honor of standing up for her as a bridesmaid at her wedding next summer. I am so sorry I could not be there to hug you and cry and tell you how excited I am for you in person, so I will send my Congrats out into the Blog World and hope as many people as possible hear me.
I love you, Emily! Congratulations to you both!
I love you, Emily! Congratulations to you both!
Kate -
This is fantastic. Remember that no matter what evidence may be brought against the Bible, valid or not, we believe it is without error because we have faith in God to provide us with the truth when we seek it earnestly. In fact, the only reason that one could posit the Bible is true based on the reason I just gave is because they seek the truth with all their heart, and pull from deep within to achieve the knowledge of it. That is why the texts of other religions are invalid: those who posit they are true suppress the truth that they are not and that the Bible is the Word of God.
I am so happy that you are able to visualize God as he is, inasmuch as we mortal humans are able to do so.
Your boldness far surpasses my own. Making your faith known to unbelievers and sharing the truth with them puts a person in a place of vulnerability, namely that of hearing someone tell them that their worldview is incorrect. That is a scary idea to a Christian, and when one is not well-learned in the faith, a convincing fallacious argument may cause the questioning of one's salvation, or even the existence of a God. The other risk is that of losing a potential or already-established friendship. What if things go wrong when you talk to your roommates? It could make living with them difficult. But that you are willing to risk your comfort in your place of residence is noble, and truly following Jesus command to the wealthy, young man to give up all he had and surrender fully to the will of Christ. It is so encouraging to hear this, and I'll be praying for you every day.
Remember Katie that the Gospel of Jesus is an offensive weapon in the armor of God. See Ephesians chapter six and consider that the ONLY offensive ( as compared to defensive) weapon is the sword of truth, the Word. And remember that the first few verses of the Gospel of John describes Jesus as the Word.
Also memorize Hebrews 4:17 and see how the Word cuts through bone and pierces the heart of individuals that truly seek Him.
It is a marvelous thing this Christian life! To be able to talk to the creator of the universe and that He rejoices over us with singing!! (Zephaniah 3:17) Amazing God!
You are His voice, hands and feet.
Love, Daddy
Hey... Church plant in Rome... I know some people doing that. My friends Marco and Chinzia are doing that in Rome... wonder if its the same people.
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