13 October 2008


My sister, Beth, recently "tagged" me in her post a few weeks ago and in true Katie fashion I have not gotten around to writing it until now.
Here are the rules: I have to write 7 little known (or unknown) facts about myself and then tag 7 other people to do the same. This might be tough for me since most of you know my strange nuances.

1. I love fall. It is by far my favorite season. The leaves changing, the great pumpkin activities and cooking, the colors of autumn, apple orchards... it's all wonderful. All except the pumpkin spice that is in everything. Nutmeg. BLEH. I dread fall for this one reason... having to continually say no to pumpkin spice. I so wish I liked it!
2. When I was a kid, I lied a lot. I remember telling Megan Tinley in 3rd grade that there were Indian spirits living in the big rock next to the creek in our woods. I told her I would talk to them. I also told her that I was good friends with Joey from New Kids on the Block. She believed me.
3. I love to experience new things with people... and I don't really like being by myself. I need alone time like everyone, sure, but even going to the grocery store by myself isn't all that fun for me.
4. I am pretty sure I am in love for the first time in my life.
5. Jayme has been teaching me how to knit and absolutely love it. I secretly want to stay home from work every day to sit on the couch and make things.
6. I don't like "potty language". Unless it refers to my little nephew's bowel movements, I don't really want to discuss yours or your flatulence. Sorry folks.
7. I don't have a favorite color. I love them all!

Alright you 7 lucky people... now YOU are it:
Christopher Scott, Lizzie, Ray, Elizabeth, Diana, Brittney, and Michelle!

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