06 September 2008


It has been a great summer... a hard summer in some ways... but a great summer. God has been stretching me and encouraging me and showing His faithfulness through the events of my life in ways I could never have even imagined.

After a lot of praying and Godly counsel and wisdom- and after a series of meetings- I was officially announced as part-time at Urban Impact (if you want all the details, I'd be happy to share!) And while it will stretch my budget to the absolute max (you may be getting lots of homemade Christmas presents, friends...), I truly believe this is God's will for me. It allows time for me to take lessons again...to SING again!..., to spend real time studying for all those classes I am taking, and maybe even get to see some of you more often! I know God will provide for all of my needs. Send up a few prayers for me if you think about it...:-) It's going to take a lot of discipline.

My summer ended with an awesome trip to Orlando to visit my boyfriend, Evan. What? Boyfriend, you say? Yes. That's right, friends... a boyfriend.

This girl has got it bad.

Evan and I met about a month after I came to Urban Impact and it was pretty much all over for both of us... There is one little hiccup though... a few months before he met me, he felt God calling him to go to Seminary in Orlando, FL. From the very beginning of our relationship we knew that he would be leaving Pittsburgh in August... August came and went, friends, and Evan is now in Orlando. He's actually staying with my Uncle Mike and Aunt Anita for a few weeks! And as hard as it is, I know it's exactly where he needs to be. I have already planned a trip to go see him at the end of October... and then of course there are holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thank goodness for holidays...

So- while I wasn't in one of the places the choir went this summer, I was probably with Evan. It was an incredible summer with him to say the very least... I can't wait for you all to meet him. He is wonderful... and I miss him very much.

The Search
by Evan K. Fairey

When searching has stopped, surely you won’t find
One special to you, who catches your eye.
You think it’s your script, made up in your mind,
When Wisdom steps in, you see it’s a lie.
The past had been filled with games of all types;
Oh so much trying to make them seem right.
Pretend, substitute, and basically hype
Truths start to spring forth once seen in the light.
When we least expect it, the Author begins
Another great chapter, exciting it is.
Portfolio filled with many an epic,
Our lives, not our own, we must stand on this.
The present, unsure, may seem that it stands,
The future, secure, in His stable hands.

PS-- Are you still checking out my sister's blog for pictures???
Isn't my nephew, William, ADORABLE!?!?!
Here he is with my Daddy last week...

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