01 April 2007

under control

Happy April!

I get a break. For 10 whole days, I get to spend time with my friends and family for Easter- the first time I have been at home for Easter in 3 years. My beautiful roommate, Leigh, and I are driving up to Cape Cod for few days on Tuesday to relax a little bit. A friend of mine is letting us use her beach house, which was such a blessing! It might not be super warm, but I will be near the beach and that is enough for me. I love the beach, no matter how cold it is. There is just something about seeing God in all His majesty through the power of the ocean. It makes me feel like no matter what I do I won't be able to control it- a feeling I love. There are too many times that I realize that I am stressing about something because I'm trying to control it. But God calls us to be completely dependent on Him. It's pretty amazing to know that He has got it under control.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28


Elizabeth said...

You're not a jerk. Let's just put that out there straight away. We all get busy- busy does not equal jerk.

I hope you enjoy your trip to the cape. How exciting! Love you!

p.s.- for all the lusciousness of North Carolina- magnolias, bamboo, dogwoods, every pollen emitting thing, I have yet to see some hydrangea. so yay for the lovely picture!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.