13 February 2007

and we were here for it

For Grove City College students, this day will go down in history. It is the first time since the winter of 1993 that school has been cancelled due to the weather. The administration emailed us just moments ago that due to the massive amounts of snow that we have accumulated over the past 24 hours, there will be no school. As soon as we got the email, students lept for joy at the thought of having a whole day to themselves. I walked into Colonial Hall Apartments and girls were screaming running down the halls (little over-worked, eh?). Plans of sled-riding, icecream eating, movie watching, and pillow flighting have been made. It's a glorious thing.
A letter from President Jewell that sent students into a state of euphoria:

"Due to rapidly deteriorating weather conditions to include ice, wind and drifting snow now forecast through tomorrow, all classes and public events at Grove City College are cancelled for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 14, 2007. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation."
So, Congrats, Grovers. And have fun. You certainly deserve it!


Brian Gurley, M.S.M. said...

Apparently, Notre Dame has a similar track record for not canceling classes. Today was no exception.

Despite the treacherous driving conditions and the fact that both St. Joseph County AND the University of Notre Dame suck at clearing snow, classes continue as scheduled.

I am shocked and jealous that Grove City caved. I hope you enjoyed the day.

I, however, must be content to rejoice in the fact that I have three-day weekends every week thanks to class-free Fridays for the duration of my program!

Brian Gurley, M.S.M. said...

and Happy St. Valentine's Day!